Understanding Testosterone Therapy Options in Pittsburgh

An emerging solution for men experiencing low levels of testosterone is testosterone therapy in Pittsburgh. Hormone optimization therapy can be accomplished by a variety of methods. By weighing the pros and cons of each option with the guidance of a medical professional, you can decide which will best suit your lifestyle and needs.

Testosterone therapy in Pittsburgh has gained significant attention in recent years as a solution for men experiencing low testosterone levels. It can offer relief from symptoms like fatigue, low libido, and reduced muscle mass that can happen with age. There are various ways to treat hormones including pills, patches, creams, gels, injections and pellets. Each delivery method has pros and cons. The modality available at Legacy Lyfe is bio-identical hormone pellets, which mimic hormones produced naturally by the body. With pellets, Testosterone is released over time which imitates what occurs naturally. Schedule a hormone consult with one of Legacy Lyfe's medical providers to see if testosterone pellets are an option for you.

Understanding Testosterone Therapy

Testosterone is a hormone primarily produced in the testicles and is responsible for a variety of functions including maintenance of muscle mass, bone density, memory as well as sex drive and general well-being. However, testosterone levels naturally decline with age and can lead to symptoms that can have a negative impact on quality of life. Replacement of testosterone to optimal levels with bio-identical pellets can help to relieve these symptoms. In addition, emerging research suggests that hormone replacement may help prevent the development of many common health problems such as heart disease, osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s.

Before starting testosterone therapy, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional – such as one of our experienced medical providers at Legacy Lyfe – to determine if pellets are a suitable approach based on your individual health needs and preferences.

Legacy Lyfe uses bio-identical hormone pellets, which are equivalent to naturally produced hormones. Pellet doses are determined based on the needs of the individual as opposed to one dose that fits them all. Pellets are placed under the skin in a minor procedure, typically in flank area for men. The site is first treated with a local anesthetic to eliminate any pain. Symptom reduction begins as soon as a few weeks after the initial treatment. The treatment lasts about 5-6 months for males.

When contemplating testosterone therapy in Pittsburgh, schedule a hormone consult with an experienced provider at Legacy Lyfe, which will include a thorough medical history, comprehensive review of symptoms and the treatment process followed by blood testing. Lab results take about a week and are used in combination with a variety of factors to determine if testosterone replacement therapy is an appropriate treatment for you.

Other Testosterone Therapy in Pittsburgh

While there are other ways to optimize hormone replacement therapy, many are one size fits all, which does not permit individualized treatment and most use synthetic hormones that do not match natural human hormones. This may not be the best fit for everyone. Make sure to consult with one of our medical providers before beginning any testosterone therapy to ensure it aligns with your lifestyle and health goals.